
Care Bears story

Abstract: Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
Two Care Bears for their wisdom and bravery was lucky star gives loyalty bear and noble horse title, their main job is to ensure that the humans can love each other, from the dark star's persecution. Day by day the past, Care Bears family gradually formed, and the kingdom of love - a based on clouds and rainbows between "love home" into a Care Bears are beautiful home. As long as the ground somebody needs Care Bears to all of you for your help, clock tower on the right of the love will be issued a warning.
That day, the love happened right deflection, loyalty bear and noble horse to descend. Originally, on the river room up a camping team, three children can't stand for longtime friends laugh and frustrated. Especially the little girl Christie is very sad, she doesn't understand why a partner to running, swimming and everything first, and only because of ridicule. Although her marbles to play very well, but what's the use? Under the sad, she ran into the forest, but not be lost. Loyalty bear and noble horse found two other children Jon and tower well, and take them to love kingdom. After two cubs hard, Jon and tower well finally learn to find happiness, care about each other and how to communicate, also learned to build confidence, not because a moment's gain and lose heart.
In the forest lost Christian met by dark star becomes little boy, he promised to help Christie top, let her become the champion of the various kinds of sports, but to a certain time, she want to repay her. Competitive Christie yielded to temptation, promised to come down, but didn't think fall into a bigger trap. Originally, the dark star to use the little girl drew Care Bears, started his evil plan, that is consumed all the Care Bears, let the whole world into a darkness. Positive loyalty bear and noble horse forward looking for dark star, love happen right to deflect, love countries the rest of the Care Bears to save the drowning pretend Christie was dark star imprisoned. Christian for his or her actions and contempt, and very regret. The dark star for proud he fell into the water and was Christian rescued, the little girl stand out.
Loyalty bear and noble horse back to the dark star caves, want to rescue his partner, and Christian also finally think, decided to stand in the side of the family Care Bears, and help them to save all of the partners. Unfortunately, Christian misfortune in the battle of life and death, injury, is uncertain. The dark star was moved by Christie fall, sincere tears. Care Bears in the effort, Christian raised, and dark star also because restored kind nature, become a real boy.
Care Bears animal onesies

