
Visitors from outer space, a lively and lovely little elephant.

Disney cartoon fairy tale tells the story of such a story: after a violent thunder, flashing dazzling ray space flying saucer, brought the visitors from outer space, a lively and lovely little elephant.
Disney cartoon fairy tale tells the story of such a story: after a violent thunder, flashing dazzling ray space flying saucer, brought the visitors from outer space, a lively and lovely little elephant. With two flying big ears, it soon becomes the big star of acrobatic troupe. In order to complete their mission, the human friend, small animals, rescuing squad from evil rule and squad dumbo led small animals, and launched a brave and tenacious struggle...
Dumbo all the way through hardships, stimulation, accident and surprise, the children can realize such a truth: there is no paradise on earth of magic, is our own efforts and wisdom. All things or must depend on oneself, must be good at the brain begin, don't rely on others.
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