
Happy Easter

Easter, is to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ festival, western Christianity the country all through this section. In the western church tradition, the first full moon after the vernal equinox is on the first Sunday after Easter. Eastern church rules, if the full moon falls on Sunday, Easter again postponed a week. Therefore, feast on March 22, roughly to April 25 between. Easter is the oldest one of the most significant Christian festivals, celebrates the resurrection of Christ, christians around the world held every year to celebrate.
Easter decorations most representative mascot of Easter is the Easter eggs and rabbits, the ancients used the egg as a symbol of fertility and resurrection. Later Christian and endowed with new meaning, think it is the symbol of Jesus's tomb, the future of life is to escape from it and was born. People to dye eggs at Easter, red represents the blood of Jesus suffering out of, but also the symbol of happiness after the resurrection. There is an old custom, is the boiled eggs for street children to play games, they put the egg rolled forward, who is the last egg to break, who will win, all his eggs.

In fact, during the Easter activities, in addition to the Christian religious ceremony, many customs are originated from pagan. For example, in Britain, every year at Easter costume parade, with national style in the bagpipe band, queen Victoria of the children dress up in the era of the palace guard, etc. New York in the United States, Easter fashion parade will be held. In Greece, in some places, symbolic of Jesus funeral will be held. Eat eggs, Easter time is the most important, is also the most interesting customs. Eggs are a symbol of new life. Ancient Scandinavia celebrated "spring flower festival", the eggs are dyed red, meaning the sun, pray for happy life.
Easter egg "hence, namely, the second day of the annual Easter, President of the United States to invite the guests with children, to the White House egg roll game. Also, some say, eggs symbolize fertility, later on, and put it as a symbol of the resurrection of Jesus tomb. In addition, the rabbit breeding ability strong, be people think that is a good example of ancient Egypt, the symbol of fertility were europeans are widely used in the Easter celebration.
The custom of the Easter egg hunt, folklore tells us, was started by a German duchess. Allegedly, colorful Easter eggs are left by the Easter bunny for the country children. The children look for eggs, as a kind of game.
The most elaborate Easter eggs are not even real eggs. A Russian jeweler, Carl faberge, made his eggs out of gold, silver and jewels. The eggs opened to show tiny figures of people, animals, plants and buildings. The Russian emperor gave these eggs as gifts.
The Easter bunny is the modern version of a very old Easter symbol. The hare, a larger relative of the rabbit, it is for Ecuador, Russia holy goddess.
The custom of wearing new clothes on Easter began around 300 a.d., around the time of the first Christian emperor Constantine. He ordered the members of his court should wear their finest clothes on Easter day.
Easter is also a family reunion, or outing day for an outing. At the feast in the west, many countries have to fixed holidays, since the day of the college students have spring break. At this point, it is spring, thousands of wood for the glorious season, many places almost fallen out, or to the park, or into the wild, enjoy the joy of the holiday.
In most western countries, often held a grand religious Easter parade. The marchers dressed in robes, holding a cross, barefoot. They dressed as the Christian history characters, singing hymns celebrating Jesus' resurrection. Today festival parade has lost its strong religious color. Festival parade is permeated with festive atmosphere, with strong folk characteristics and local characteristics. That is in the United States, the parade wearing jeans walking on stilts clown, also have a lively and lovely cartoon character Mickey Mouse. Parade in the UK, more mainly introduce local history and local conditions and customs, the marchers masquerade as Scotland bagpipe band and the palace guards, attracts many tourists. The arrival of Easter also makes people have put on new clothes. The Christian will be in advance go to church christening, and then put on his new robe, to celebrate Christ's life. Wear a new custom keep today, because people don't wear new clothes think festivals is to transship. During Easter, people also like to clean, according to a new life began. Easter, as a lot of festivals have their own traditions and customs, the people of the world in a different way to determined the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, to meet the coming of spring.

