
(mickey) is one of the world's most famous mice.

Animated star mickey's image began to popular in the world in the 1930 s, enduring, popular with adults and children. He was a representative of the Walt Disney company role, can be said to be mickey all created a kingdom of Walt Disney.
(mickey) is one of the world's most famous mice. In 1928 the world's first sound cartoon "steamboat Willie" Mickey Mouse in a formal board screen, from then on into the entertainment industry. Mickey with easygoing and happy nature becomes the child's and family mind forever optimistic cartoon image and to love and trust. Mickey is the protagonist in "m wonderful wonderful house", he encourage his friend and the audience to find answers to the questions in the life. Although mickey has a variety of character, but he is every one good friend. His charisma and friendly makes him a wonderful wonderful room of the central figure, and he's kind and rich emotions that he be history's most popular cartoon image.

