
Pajamas has become the symbol of life.

Pajamas has become the symbol of life.When it comes to the origin of the word, you might be shocked, because of this "foreign flavor" with what turned out to be a real foreign words.Original word paejama from Hindi, it consists of the pai in Persian and jamah a mix of two words.Pai said "legs" in Persian, while jamah said "clothes".Pajamas just as its name implies is the clothing, pants leg.This is a kind of Middle East and India people go out to wear trousers, but the European colonists elaborate gives it a new role, pajama pants.No pajamas at first, later pyjama trousers to cold Europe, people invented the pajamas.
An overview of the
Pajamas has been treated as home dress, wearing it make people relax. But if someone is wearing pajamas in the street witha, will feel that the people do not understand dressing etiquette.But see a few news these days, let me to know about the role of pajamas.
South Korea an underwear company also has a "pajama day" once a month, all the employees to begin to work after the company is going to put on my pajamas, it is said that this can inspire creative inspiration.
Many freelancers for office is at home, therefore, there is also a pajamas culture.
Wearing pajamas while comfortable, but in the workplace will look solemn and polite enough. If we can have a business casual.Business pajamas, pajamas and home it do a distinguish maybe better. Always feel pajamas also like their privacy, people should have their own space, if have, wearing pajamas at work that people have their private space?People once after wearing pajamas at home, there won't be far away from the workplace, loosen body and mind.On this basis, the later by the designers to improve the different pattern, such as outer wear fashion onesies pajamas and so on, is not confined at home.

