
cute squirrels

Squirrels, mammalia is a family of rodents, which including ground squirrel squirrel subfamily and Africa subfamily, characterized by long furry tail.According to different living environment, the squirrel is divided into tree squirrels, ground squirrels, and stone squirrels, etc.And other related close to animals were collectively known as the squirrel shape suborder.About 35 genera and 212 species around the world, China has 11 genera and 24 species, including rock squirrels and lateral lines squirrel two are unique to China animals.
Squirrel ears and tail hair long, able to adapt to the tree of life;They use paw and a tail like a long hook upside-down branches.At dawn and dusk, will leave the tree, to prey on the ground.Squirrels in the autumn after find a rich diet, which make use of tree holes or digging a hole in the ground, the storage of food such as fruit, at the same time, in the soil or leaves blocked the entrance of the cave.Squirrel generally mainly vegetarian, food mainly seeds and nuts, would eat fruit such as cherry, etc.
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